Advertising student Marian Hawit Rosmo shares what she calls her “highly biased” list of the 10 best ads of all time. You may love them or hate them, but you certainly can’t ignore them. Read and watch below.

In the ever-evolving world of advertising, certain campaigns stand out as true masterpieces that have left an enduring impact on audiences worldwide. From heartwarming storytelling to powerful messaging, these ads have transcended time and become part of our collective cultural memory. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 best ads of all time—ads that have inspired creativity, evoked emotions and redefined the art of brand communication. 

Disclaimer: This list is in no particular order. I consider all ten to be equally intriguing and convincing in their storytelling techniques.

  1. IKEA - Lamp

This 2002 IKEA lamp ad is undeniably exceptional due to its simplicity, emotional resonance, and powerful storytelling. The ad's emotional impact lies in its ability to evoke nostalgia and empathy. The lamp's humble journey from the warmth of a cozy home to the chilly streets strikes a chord with viewers, reminding them of the sentimental value of everyday objects and the memories associated with them. However, the ending breaks the fourth wall and reveals a comedic, peculiar man calling us out. 

2. Chevy - Maddie

This 2014 Chevy Maddie ad brilliantly captures the essence of the human-animal bond, touching the hearts of viewers across all ages. The powerful visuals, coupled with a touching rendition of "A Thousand Years," create a nostalgic atmosphere that tugs at the heartstrings. I admire the seamless way Chevy integrates their product, as instantly, the Chevy brand becomes synonymous with moments of love, loyalty, and connection.  

3. Apple - Think Different

I think there’s not a creative out there that isn’t moved by this one. This 1997 ad is regarded as one of the most iconic and powerful advertisements in history, and its greatness lies in its ability to inspire and evoke a sense of purpose. The black-and-white images of influential figures accompanied by a powerful narration by Steve Jobs really celebrate those who dared to think differently. By associating Apple with these trailblazers, the ad masterfully positions the brand as a symbol of innovation and creativity. 

4. Coca Cola - Hilltop

This 1971 ad, often known as the "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" ad, is considered a masterpiece. Its appeal lies in its infectious melody and uplifting lyrics which really captivates viewers, creating a sense of optimism and togetherness. The simplicity of the message, coupled with the iconic Coca-Cola branding, has made the "Hilltop" ad not only a commercial success but also a cultural phenomenon. 

5. Nike - We Are All Witnesses

Aired this year, this Nike ad captures the essence of greatness and the indomitable spirit of athletes. The ad centers around LeBron James, one of the most celebrated basketball players of his generation. It cleverly utilizes powerful visual storytelling, dramatic music, and striking imagery to showcase LeBron's remarkable skills and unwavering determination. The tagline "We Are All Witnesses" serves as a powerful call to action, uniting audiences in the shared experience of witnessing greatness both on and off the court. 

6. Dove - Reverse Selfie

This 2021 Dove ad is a thought-provoking piece of advertising that challenges societal beauty standards and promotes body positivity. The ad features a diverse group of women who look at their "reverse selfies," digitally altered versions of themselves to conform to conventional beauty norms. As they react to these images, the ad delivers a powerful message about the harmful effects of unrealistic beauty expectations perpetuated by social media and digital manipulation. The emotional impact of witnessing the women's reactions makes the message all the more compelling and authentic.

7. Pepsi - Cindy Crawford

This 1992  Pepsi ad featuring Cindy Crawford remains iconic and memorable for several reasons. It cleverly taps into the era's pop culture, capturing the spirit of the '90s with its upbeat music, vibrant visuals, and youthful energy. Cindy Crawford's star power and beauty further the ad's allure, making it instantly captivating to audiences. The ad's playful storyline, where two young boys admire Crawford while she takes a refreshing sip of Pepsi, adds a touch of humor and relatability. The spot effectively combines celebrity endorsement with a message of enjoyment and refreshment.

8. Metro Trains Melbourne - Dumb Ways to Die

This 2012 Metro ad is a remarkably effective and memorable public service announcement that stands out due to its creative approach, catchy song, and impactful message. The ad utilizes cute and colorful animated characters engaging in absurd, yet fatal, situations to highlight the dangers of reckless behavior around trains. The use of humor and lightheartedness draws viewers in, making them curious about what comes next. The infectious song, with its humorous and darkly ironic lyrics, further cements the ad's place in the minds of its audience

9. Old Spice - The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

This 2010 Old Spice ad captures viewers' attention with its humor, charisma, and rapid-fire storytelling. The ad features a suave character who effortlessly transitions from one scene to another while delivering witty and unexpected lines. The confident and over-the-top presentation of the "Old Spice Man" redefines masculinity in a playful, self-deprecating yet appealing manner. 

10. P&G: Thank You Mom

This 2012 P&G ad is a heartwarming and emotionally resonant masterpiece that celebrates the unwavering support and love of mothers around the world. The ad portrays the journey of various athletes, from childhood to Olympic success, with their mothers as their pillars of strength. Through poignant moments of joy, tears, and perseverance, the ad beautifully captures the sacrifices and dedication of mothers in nurturing their children's dreams.

About the Author. Marian Hawit Rosmo (@emehache__) is a Honduran writer, editor, and columnist at Project Synergy. She currently follows a degree in Advertising and Branding with a Copywriting concentration.


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VICTORIA YIBRIN means seriously *sweet* business.